
Why a box?

So, here we are.

But where is here? Why in my blog, of course. But why ChrisInABox, you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

As many who read this will know, or should at least, know of my current adventures in PhDLand, a land filled with joy and happiness, and happiness and joyness... and the fact that it is also filled with P-Chem. But more importantly, Quantum. The basic question of most quantum classes, that most problems usually come back to is the Particle In a Box, or PIB. This is one of the first things you learn, and is very basic, but yet so deep it hurts the mind. So, going along with that, I figured ChrisInABox was good, as it explains quite abit about who I am, and CIB just works to describe me on so many levels. I hope you enjoy my discrete postings, will hopefully occur at regular intervals, but much like Quantum Chemistry, things rarely happen the "theoretical" way.

Until next time, keep it "theoretical".

-- CIB

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